The local politicians inner fight Lina Hidalgo getting the anti-millennial treatment

The local politicians inner fight during COVID: Lina Hidalgo getting the anti-millennial treatment.

Written by: Norma Gonzalez Edited by: Kirk Shelton           With the re-opening of the State of Texas, each county has had tough decisions to face with regards to an honest review of their choices in expert

Happy 420 Millennials Now We Have The Biggest Influence On Cannabis Legalization

Happy 4/20 Millennials! Now We Have The Biggest Influence On Cannabis Legalization

Written by: Christina Sanchez Rodriguez CEO of Dona Jane Just as the COVID-19 virus spreads, so does the acceptance of making marijuana legal. While as a generation we have accepted legal recreational use or marijuana, only with our millennial voting power

silent spreaders coronavirus poop

Silent spreaders! What the stealth?

By Hanaa Bardi As for what you can do to minimize the viral transmission, have you thought about the fecal spreading of the Coronavirus? Yes, it spreads through POOP; it seems like a significant need for a totally new PPE

Coronavirus Skeptic? A Real Story of a Houston Millennial’s Infected Mother

Coronavirus Skeptic? A Real Story of a Houston Millennial’s Infected Mother

By Hanaa Bardi Interview by Hanaa Bardi & Brandon Verastegui Edited by John Fierst So You Think It’s Just Influenza? You Think That You Are Young, Healthy, Strong And That Your Immune System Can Handle This Novel Coronavirus?   Perhaps


It’s Okay To Walk

By John Fierst Ever since moving to Houston nearly 3 years ago, I have gone in and out of phases of exercising. I know it is something that I should do, but to be honest, I rarely feel like doing